Using Drains Properly (下水道を正しく使いましょう)



If you do not use drains properly, you might damage the drainage system or stop it from working properly, which may result in an increased financial burden for your household, so please make sure to follow the guidelines below.

1) Do Not Pour Oil Down the Drain

If you pour used oil (e.g. tempura oil, etc.) down the drain, it will stick to the inner surfaces and gradually build up and harden, eventually causing your drains to clog.


2) Do Not Pour Food Down the Drain

Food waste from the kitchen can cause your drains to clog, and can also be the source of bad odors, so do not pour food waste down the drain.


3) Only Throw Away Dissolvable Toilet Paper in the Toilet

Make sure to only throw away dissolvable toilet paper in the toilet, not other paper products (e.g. diapers, tissues, etc.) that do not dissolve easily in water. These non-dissolvable products are the main causes of clogs, so avoid throwing them in the toilet at all costs.


4) Do Not Pour Gasoline and Paint Thinner Down the Drain

Highly volatile substances such as gasoline, kerosene, paint thinner and other chemicals can damage your drains and also cause explosions, so you should never pour them down the drain.


5) Inspect Your Drainage System Once a Month

Please inspect the drainage system of your residence (e.g. drainage pipes, house inlets, etc.). Take off the cover of the house inlet, and if there is sewage or any kind of clog, flush it out with water to clear it up. There may be cases where oils, hair, etc. from the kitchen or bathroom get stuck in the inlet.


6) Avoid Using Water During a Power Outage

At various points along a sewage pipe, there are manhole pumps that deliver sewer water to disposal points. During power outages, these pumps stop working, so if a lot of sewer water drains into them, manholes and sewer pipes will overflow, and may cause a backflow into your house, so please avoid using water during power outages.


7) If Your Pipes Clog

If the pipes located on your property are clogged, contact your contractor or a contractor designated by a sewage facility to have it repaired. If you spot clogs in sewage pipes on public roads or in public inlets, contact the Sewerage Works Section (Gesuido-Ka) at Shima City Hall.

Contact Information

Sewerage Works Section (Gesuido-Ka) Tel: 44-0225 Fax: 44-5261 E-Mail: